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Tropical springtails (Collembola sp.) are a small species of insects that make great feeders for many species of poison dart frogs. Springtails also aid in the creation of a complete ecosystem in a terrarium. They are very small, but are just the right size for several adult and juvenile frogs and froglet species!

In nature, springtails are decomposers and are commonly found in and around dead and decaying organic matter. In a terrarium, they will help to decompose the leaf litter, excess plant material, and fecal material from your frogs or other small animals. Once a population is established in your tank, they will reproduce on their own and create a steady supply of food. Additionally, they will have the ability to keep up with most of the decomposing needs of the tank.

Weight01 kg

1 box 1Ltr., 5 box 1Ltr., 10 box 1Ltr.


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